A59) SHE’S A POWER HITTER 20610216 – A daughter of WGC Ted Williams out of WGC producer Pushover’s Mark. She is the sister to 2016 World Grand Champion Honors. Her dam produced many show horses including Res. WC Grand Sweepstakes as well as the dams of WGC We Will Rock You and WC Walkin Miss Charlie and WC Walkin Mr. Charlie. She is SAFE IN FOAL to WGC Jimmy Choo for a late April foal!
Home » Product » A59) SHE’S A POWER HITTER 20610216 – A daughter of WGC Ted Williams out of WGC producer Pushover’s Mark. She is the sister to 2016 World Grand Champion Honors. Her dam produced many show horses including Res. WC Grand Sweepstakes as well as the dams of WGC We Will Rock You and WC Walkin Miss Charlie and WC Walkin Mr. Charlie. She is SAFE IN FOAL to WGC Jimmy Choo for a late April foal!