For those with just one foal or a field full this form can be quite handy.
Read the tutorial below if you need some help or for the more experienced just click the link below and get started.
Interactive TWHBEA Foal Registration Application
You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to utilize this form. If you don’t have it on your computer you can download it here.
Let’s go over the TWHBEA Registration application for the novices out there.
We will go by the numbered sections.
Section 1: In this section there are 2 check boxes. Simple enough. One designates that this is an application for registration for a foal with TWHBEA and also requests a DNA kit to be included to complete the foal registration. The second check box indicates if this foal will be nominated for the TWHBEA National Futurity. The Futurity nomination will include a fee for the Sire (paid by sire owner predominately), A fee to nominate the dam, and a fee to nominate the foal itself. The futurity can better be explained at the following link:
Section 2: NAMES, This the fun and creative part, you get to pick your unique name for your foal to be registered under. Many try to combine or link the name to the mother or father and some pick famous people or catchy phrases, it is all up to you. The name can only be 25 characters long including spaces. So have fun, pick 3 name choices just in case your primary choice is taken. Just type it in and the form will put it in the letters in the appropriate boxes. To see if a name is taken you can enroll in Ipeds, the TWHBEA online pedigree search engine. It can be viewed at the following link,
In the standard version you can see if your name has been taken, in the premium version you can research pedigrees and more information about all the TWHBEA registered Tennessee Walking Horses.
Section 3: LOCATION AND DATES In this section you record the state your foal was born in. Just click the drop down menu and choose the appropriate state abbreviation. You will also record your foals date of birth, and the date your mare was bred to produce this foal. If you are unsure of the date she was bred give TWHBEA a call at 931-359-1754 and they will have it recorded on the stallion report filed by the owner of the sire of your foal. If you pasture bred (you just turned the mare and stallion out together and let nature happen) then you must fill out the date range in which the mare and stallion were together.
Section 4: SEX! Now that I have your attention, this is the easiest part of the form. Check the box that will designate the horse you are registering as a stallion (male), mare (female) or gelding (castrated stallion aka unfortunate male).
Section 5: BODY MARKINGS In this section you will record the body markings and leg markings of your foal. If there are none then easily check the box designating none. If there are leg markings describe each individual leg in the spaces below the horse drawing and also after you print your completely filled out form draw in those markings on the horse itself. Lingo to remember Hind=rear, Fore=front, Off = right side, Near = left side. When you want to compare your foal with the different leg markings that are designated click the following link to use as a guide;
TWHBEA Colors and Markings Guide
Section 6: FACIAL MARKINGS In this section you will record the face and muzzle (nose and chin) markings of your foal. If there are none then easily check the box designating none. If there are facial markings describe in the spaces below the drawing of the horses face. Again use the following guide to help you with the description of the facial markings.
TWHBEA Colors and Markings Guide
Again after you print your completely filled out form draw in those markings on the horse head itself. Be sure to give special detail to the horses muzzle which is inset larger.
Section 7: COLOR This is where the train can sometimes run off the tracks. Our breed is endowed with many beautiful colors. All unique and wonderful in their own way. But sometimes a black horse is just that, a black horse.
There are 21 choices of color on the TWHBEA application, you can only pick one. We have additional modifiers dilutions and patterns but your horse will only have one color. If you are not quite sure what color to put down you can do an internet search for horse coat colors and there are literally thousands of charts diagrams and posters to help you determine what you have. One very easy way to narrow down your horses color is the color calculator at this link.
This is great help if you know the sire and dams color.
You can also use the following link for a color guide provided by TWHBEA.
TWHBEA Colors and Markings Guide
There are 2 check boxes for dilutions even though the cream gene colors dilutions are listed in colors. You can choose either Dun or Silver both are very rare and the likelihood of your horse having this is slim.
We have 2 modifiers listed which will effect a horses base color. One is grey which those foals are usually born very dark black or chestnut and eventually start to grey. Remember one parent has to be a grey to produce a grey foal. The other is roan which the classic versions are listed in color don’t confuse a roan modifier with the roaning of a sabino gene horse. Must also have one roan parent for a foal to be roan.
Again if you are unsure call TWHBEA at 93-359-1574 and they can put you in touch with someone with vast experience in horse colors.
Our last check box is for patterns Overo, Sabino, Tobiano, and Tobiano/Sabino and I believe coming soon Tovero. Again the internet is a wonderful thing and please search for those terms for examples of those patterns so you can make sure you get your foals color correct.
The last box in the lower left corner of section 7 is mane and tail color. Just enter what you see, usually black, brown flaxen(blonde), mixed (mixture of blond and white hairs or black and white hairs.
Again the importance of registering with the correct colors and patterns is that buyers will seek your horses out along those lines many times and you want to make your foal easy to find in the marketplace.
Section 8: SIRE AND DAM AND OWNER INFO This section is where you put the name of sire (father of the horse) and his TWHBEA registration number. Again just type it in and the form will put the letters in the appropriate boxes. Make sure to put in the stallions TWHBEA registration number. If you do not know the number feel free to call the stallion owner or the farm at which the stallion stands at stud. On this form we have put a reference box in the TWHBEA Use Only section that lists the stallions at Rising Star Ranch and their TWHBEA registration numbers. This box nor will the clear form boxes be printed on your finished form. You will also enter the dam’s (mother of the horse) name and her TWHBEA registration number.
Also in Section 8 you will enter the owner at the time of breeding of the dam of the horse to be registered, This will be you the majority of the time if you have properly transferred your mares ownership with TWHBEA, unless you purchased the mare in foal then you will print the previous owners name that bred the mare.
You will enter your Name and address, email and home and cell phones if available for TWHBEA to keep a good record of your foal’s ownership and be able to contact you for any reason.
NOTE: The Clear form button at the top of the page clears everything but the owner info in section 8. Section 8 has its own clear form button so you can register multiple foals with having to retype your address information. (Our favorite feature)
When your form is totally filled out and printed 2 signatures are needed in this section. One is your signature as the owner of the mare producing this foal that you are registering. The other is the stallion owner to verify that this mare was bred to this particular stallion. If your foal is sired by one of the many stallions here at Sugar Creek just send your completed form to us and we will obtain the signature needed and forward the form to TWHBEA for you. Feel free to include your payment to TWHBEA and we will forward it with your completed foal registration application. If you have any problems locating a stallion owner for a signature feel free to call TWHBEA to assist you in this matter at 931-359-1574.
Section 9: THE FEES On the second page of this form will show you all the fees that will be required. The majority of the time you will be paying the application fee plus a fee for the Parentage Verification Kit. If you are not a member you will want to pay a membership fee to reduce the cost of this registration transaction and future transactions at TWHBEA. Look up those fees on the second sheet and fill in the totals in the lower right hand box of the registration form. Now click print and you have your perfectly filled out Registration application to now send with the appropriate fees to TWHBEA at the address listed at the top of the form.
We hope this little tutorial and Interactive Foal application will assist you in a pleasant experience in getting your foals registered in a timely fashion. If you have any glitches we would be glad to work them out. Feel free to email us at with your questions or problems.
David W. Williams
Sugar Creek